Mar 19, 2025 - 08:00 AM EDT to 04:30 PM EDT
Live Webinar
Gail Pawlik
Event Description:
A new date will be shared as
soon as it is determined.
1. Register above with NWAHEC.
2. There will be a pop-up box after you have completed NWAHEC’s registration. Click the green button that says "Take Me There Now" to take you to the 2nd registration with the NNPTC. Note: You may need to check your pop up blocker.
* Registration will close at 10 AM (ET) on March 17.
It is recommended that the same name and email address be used to confirm your registration and attendance for the event. You will receive a confirmation email after each registration. If you do not receive TWO confirmation emails, you have not registered correctly.
If you previously created an account for NWAHEC and/or the NNPTC but now use a different name and/or email address, please update your account(s) to reflect your preferred contact information.
**Group viewing is not a supported feature through Zoom. To be counted as present, each person must join from their own device.**
Join us virtually on March 19th to explore the latest developments in sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention, diagnosis and treatment.